YouTube Shorts and Make Passive Income with AI


Generate Unlimited YouTube Shorts and Make Passive Income with AI

This guide outlines a method for creating automated YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels promoting eco-friendly products, generating affiliate income through

 1. Niche Selection with Chat GPT

* Open Chat GPT  and request a list of profitable niches (e.g., sports & fitness, home organization).

* Choose a niche (e.g., eco-friendly products)

* Ask Chat GPT for the top 15 products in that niche (e.g., reusable water bottles, bamboo toothbrushes).

 2. Content Creation with InVideo

* Sign up for a free InVideo account * Leverage pre-made templates or generate videos from text scripts.

* Utilize InVideo's features like voiceover creation, stock footage, music, and text editing.

* Add copyright-free music to boost engagement.

 3. Product Image Generation with BlueBelow AI

* Use BlueBelow AI to generate unique, copyright-free images for each product (e.g., "reusable water bottles, ultra realistic, extreme details").

 4. Building Your Store

* Sign up for a free account * Create a store name relevant to your niche (e.g., "Eco Vibe").

* Use Chat GPT to suggest store names if needed.

* Add products from the Chat GPT list with one click.

* allows you to create a store without owning physical products.

 5. YouTube Shorts & Instagram Reels

* In InVideo, create a short video showcasing the eco-friendly products (e.g., title: "Items You Must Have to Save the Planet").

* Include images generated by BlueBelow AI.

* Download the video and upload it as a YouTube Short.

* Include a link to your store in the video description.

* Repeat for multiple products and create various Shorts.

**Bonus Tip:** Create separate Instagram Reels pages for each niche, focusing on promoting niche-specific products from your store.

 6. Results & Growth

* This method allows for generating a large volume of YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels with minimal effort.

* Attract a targeted audience interested in eco-friendly products through engaging content.

* Earn affiliate commissions through when viewers purchase products from your store.

* No need to sign up for individual affiliate programs (e.g., Amazon Associates).

**Additional Resources:** Links to the mentioned tools (Chat GPT, InVideo, BlueBelow AI, will likely be found in the video description box (not included in the text).


* The video may also promote, offering courses on online business building.

* Exercise caution with any claims of guaranteed income. Success depends on various factors like content quality, audience engagement, and market competition.